Friday, November 2, 2012

October 25, 2012

Alex, Jaden, Jordan, Jacob, Nikki, Katie, Suzanne, Dayna, and myself were at this meeting. 
There is one more week in the Fall 40 Days campaign, on Saturday, November 3rd.  Forms are on this blog. Remember: there is only a meeting on November 7th for Officers and Class Reps.  The next meeting for everyone is November 15th. Reminder: one of our benefactors is asking that before they give us money to defray the cost of our DC trip for March for Life in January, they want to see our commitment to prolife causes.  Therefore, the more prolife evens you attend between now and the March for Life, the more money you'll earn towards the trip.  There's a post on the blog for event information. 
Political News Briefing: Every person is entitled to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness. LIFE is THE fundamental right that we've all been given.  LIFE is THE most important issue that we must use when we enter the voting booth.
This week's reading was Mark 10:46-52.  Jesus can save even the lowest of people.  People are going to hate you for your faith but once you get the courage it's not going to matter, only your faith will matter to you then.  Even a blind man became a disciple.  Hist faith saved him and he had true faith, not fake faith.  If you have faith then you can be changed too.  Just like the man who kept trying, if you be persistent then you will be rewarded too. We decided that if you have real faith then you will be saved.  Always remember, "If our God is for us, then who can be against us? And if our God is with us, then what can stand against?" ~Chris Tomlin. Our God.

Scholoarship Money for DC Trip

Our benefactor is asking that you attend as many prolife events as possible between now and the DC trip. We will keep track of who is in attendance and those who attend will receive scholarship money to defray the cost of the DC trip. The more events you attend, the more money you earn towards the cost of the trip. I hope you're able to take advantage of this generous offer of support.

Upcoming Events:
40 Days for Life vigil at Family Planning of NE Ohio, in Painesville, (Nov. 3) from 4-5 PM. Rides are available as long as you let Mrs. Cicchella know by Thursday of each week so she can make sure we have a seat for everyone who needs one.
First Saturday: Mass and Confession at St. Andrew's Abbey/Benedictine, pray the Rosary at the abortion mills on Shaker. We carpool from St. Helen's upper parking lot and we leave at 8 AM sharp. If you need a ride, let Mrs. Cicchella know so she can make sure we have enough seats for everyone. (Nov. 3, Dec. 1, Jan 5)

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Article and Video

Rude Abortionist Calls 911 for Second Trimester Abortion Emergency

October 12, 2012

Rude Abortionist Calls 911 for 2nd Trimester Abortion Complication
Rude Abortionist Calls 911 for 2nd Trimester Abortion Complication
Cleveland, OH - Abortionist Martin Ruddock commandeered the telephone from an employee of Abortion Access-Center for Women's Health in Cleveland, Ohio, on September 29, 2012, and demanded an emergency transport for a 26-year old second-trimester abortion patients who suffered from a high fever and disorientation.
During the 911 recorded call, Ruddock seemed annoyed with the questions asked by a female emergency dispatcher who was inquiring if the patient was alert and breathing.
"Yes, she's alert, breathing, and normal. Ma'am, I'm a surgeon," Ruddock snapped.
Emergency workers responding to Ruddock's call were photographed by 77-year old Frank Kosmerl, who documented them having a difficult time lifting the gurney bearing the patient out the clinic's back door and down several steps. The gurney had to be placed in an upright, seated position in order to negotiate a tight corner from the door to the steps.
Ruddock emerged from the clinic wearing what appeared to be a butcher's apron over his scrubs.
Once outside, Ruddock began to threaten and verbally abuse Mr. Kosmerl saying, "I'm going to rearrange his face."
He also accused Mr. Kosmerl of "disrupting a medical emergency" even though Mr. Kosmerl remained on public property and behind a chain link fence.
Ruddock has a history of botched abortions. In 2003, Ruddock called 911 to report that an "obese" second trimester abortion patient was bleeding profusely. "I just can't stop the bleeding. I can't see what I'm doing and I want her out of here," Ruddock said.
In December, 2004, Ruddock violated the standard of care when he hurt another patient during an abortion, according to a suit brought by the injured woman.
"Martin Ruddock is an arrogant man that poses a serious public danger. We will be filing a complaint with the Ohio Medical Board asking for the revocation of his license before he butchers any other unsuspecting women," said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue and Pro-Life Nation. "We will also be asking the Ohio Department of Health to take a close look at Ruddock's run-down abortion clinic, with a special emphasis on handicapped and gurney access. These are the kinds of things that have closed clinics around the nation, and we pray that it will close this horrific abortion operation as well."
On the other hand, remember that this is why we are fighting for life... here's a short video.

2012/2013 Schedual

Calendar of Events 2012-2013 School Year
NEW FOR THE 2012-13 SCHOOL YEAR, OFFICERS MEETINGS WILL BE THE FIRST THURSDAY OF THE MONTH – EVERY OTHER MONTH!!! Officers must attend, class rep attendance is optional.
September 2012 (Fortitude) – MEMBERSHIP DRIVE MONTH
  • 1: First Saturday @ Benedictine and Shaker Clinic (8 AM – Noon)
  • 6:Officers meeting to prep for new school year (7-9 PM in the Life Teen Center)
  • 13: Meeting (7-9 PM in the Life Teen Center)
  • 20: Meeting (7-9 PM in the Life Teen Center)
  • 27: Meeting (7-9 PM in the Life Teen Center)
  • 29: Car Wash in Mantua 9 AM – 1 PM
  • 29: 40 Days for Life Vigil 4-5 PM Family Planning of NE Ohio in Painesville
October 2012 (Prudence) – RESPECT LIFE MONTH
  • 4: Meeting (7-9 PM in the Life Teen Center)
  • 6: First Saturday @ Benedictine and Shaker Clinic (8 AM – Noon)
  • 6: 40 Days for Life Vigil 4-5 PM Family Planning of NE Ohio in Painesville
  • 7: LIFE CHAIN IN CHESTERLAND @ 306 & 322, 2-4 PM
  • 11: Meeting (7-9 PM in the Life Teen Center)
  • 13: 40 Days for Life Vigil 4-5 PM Family Planning of NE Ohio in Painesville
  • 18: Meeting (7-9 PM in the Life Teen Center)
  • 20: 40 Days for Life Vigil 4-5 PM Family Planning of NE Ohio in Painesville
  • 25: Meeting (7-9 PM in the Life Teen Center)
  • 27: 40 Days for Life Vigil 4-5 PM Family Planning of NE Ohio in Painesville
November 2012 (Prudence)
  • 3: First Saturday @ Benedictine and Shaker Clinic (8 AM – Noon)
  • 3: 40 Days for Life Vigil 4-5 PM Family Planning of NE Ohio in Painesville
  • 8:Officers meeting (7-9 PM in the Life Teen Center)
  • 15: Meeting (7-9 PM in the Life Teen Center)
  • 29: Meeting (7-9 PM in the Life Teen Center)
December 2012 (Prudence)
  • 1: First Saturday @ Benedictine and Shaker Clinic (8 AM – Noon)
  • 6: Meeting (7-9 PM in the Life Teen Center)
  • 12: Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Unborn
  • 13: Jesus’ Birthday Party (7-9 PM in the Life Teen Center)
January 2013 (Justice)
  • 5: First Saturday @ Benedictine and Shaker Clinic (8 AM – Noon)
  • 10:Officers meeting (7-9 PM in the Life Teen Center)
  • 17: Meeting (7-9 PM in the Life Teen Center)
  • 24: No meeting due to the March for Life
  • 24-26: March for Life – Washington, DC
  • 31: Meeting (7-9 PM in the Life Teen Center)
February 2013 (Justice)
  • 2: First Saturday @ Benedictine and Shaker Clinic (8 AM – Noon)
  • 7: Meeting (7-9 PM in the Life Teen Center)
  • 9: Second Annual GCTFL Pro Life Youth Conference
  • 14: Meeting (7-9 PM in the Life Teen Center)
  • 21: Meeting (7-9 PM in the Life Teen Center)
  • 28: Meeting (7-9 PM in the Life Teen Center)
March 2013 (Justice)
  • 2: First Saturday @ Benedictine and Shaker Clinic (8 AM – Noon)
  • 7:Officers meeting (7-9 PM in the Life Teen Center)
  • 14: Meeting (7-9 PM in the Life Teen Center)
  • 21: Meeting (7-9 PM in the Life Teen Center)
April 2013 (Temperance) – Schedule may change to accommodate Confirmation, Life Appreciation Dinner some time towards the end of the month
  • 4: Meeting (7-9 PM in the Life Teen Center)
  • 6: First Saturday @ Benedictine and Shaker Clinic (8 AM – Noon)
  • 11: Meeting (7-9 PM in the Life Teen Center)
  • 18: Meeting (7-9 PM in the Life Teen Center)
  • 25: Meeting (7-9 PM in the Life Teen Center)
May 2013 (Temperance) – Maggie’s Place Mother’s Day Card Sale sometime this month
  • 2:Officers meeting (7-9 PM in the Life Teen Center)
  • 4: First Saturday @ Benedictine and Shaker Clinic (8 AM – Noon)
  • 9: Meeting (7-9 PM in the Life Teen Center)
  • 16: Meeting (7-9 PM in the Life Teen Center)
  • 30: Meeting (7-9 PM in the Life Teen Center)
June 2013 (Temperance)
  • 1: First Saturday @ Benedictine and Shaker Clinic (8 AM – Noon)
  • 6: Final meeting for the school year (7-9 PM in the Life Teen Center)
  • 13:Final Officers meeting for the school year (7-9 PM in the Life Teen Center)
July 2013 (Fortitude) – Leadership Retreat
  • 6: First Saturday @ Benedictine and Shaker Clinic (8 AM – Noon)

Meeting- October 4th

     Attendance- Katie, Ben, Ben, Mary, Trenton, Dayna, Jaden, Jordan, Dan, Jacob, Brian, Ben U, Suzanne, David, and myself. Yes we have three Ben's.
     Pro life Tip- Visit and elderly relative who is in a nursing home or who can't get out much.
                      - If you see a senior citizen carrying groceries or loading their car at the grocer store, offer to help them.
     How to be a virtuous leader- The virtue for October is PRUDENCE.  Prudence is all about making good decisions.  A prudent person is not just someone who knows what is good, a prudent person DOES good.  Prudence is the ability to look at our choices and make the right decision.
     We received a lot of money in tips from the car wash on the 29th of September. Thank you everyone who participated in that! We're going to try to do another one soon! Remember that the money goes towards the March for Life in January.
     This week's verse is Mark 10:2-16.  A lot of times society thinks we can do whatever we want and look like god because we live in a free country and stray from religion and that is why there are so many divorces. What you do can do serious damage to a child and that's why it's good to stay devoted to your spouse.  Love is better than lust.  Have the faith of a child.  God's way not your way.  Your way is usually not God's way.  You should have the same sort of relationship with God as a child does with their parents.  Little kids live with simplicity and joy and that's why they're close to God.  When we grow older, we attach to materialistic things and stray from God and therefore our life gets more complicated.  The disciples are silly and maybe God chose them so we could see the truths that they couldn't and learn from them.  Children don't think of the bad things in life, they're very optimistic and innocent.  Adults go usually straight to the bad things.  It's sad that the Pharisees weren't trying to find the truth to help lead the world but tried to get Jesus in trouble.  We need resignation to Devine Will and assume God's Will is the right thing and that we're leading a good life.  People these days (like the Pharisees) don't want to hear the truth. 

September 27, 2012

Attendance: Mary, Jacob, Trenton, Nikki, Katie, Dan, Jordan, Jaden, Dyna, Connor, Emma, Alex, Suzanne, David, Ben, Cahterine, Amanda, Rebecca, and myself. 
How to be pro life everyday: Have a pro life t-shirt? Why not wear it outside the house?  Pro life t-shirts aren't just pajamas!  You can and should wear them when you're out and about!
On being a virtuous leader: The virtue for September is Fortitude.  Fortitude is like courage.  A person is willing to put themselves out there to defend a good cause, such as life.  When you give a voice to the voiceless, you are exercising fortitude. 
This week's Bible verse is Mark 9:38-48.  Don't be passive when you sin, don't take it lightly.  Avoid instances that may cause you to sin.  Only when God overcomes satan will the fire of Hell be quenched.  It's better to be sinless and go to Heaven.  It's bad enough to sin but worse if you drag someone else down.  If it leads you to do bad then get rid of it! Don't give a bad example to anyone! Sin is really bad.  St. Thomas Asavio said death is better than sin.  Trust the people around you (like family and friends) to build you up.  Be a good influence to others, especially little kids.  Don't just avoid sin but avoid what could cause the sin. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

October Baby

  I have great news! We are successful with our attempt of making the movie "October Baby" popular! This is the sign I saw walking into Walmart the other day so that everyone can see. If you havn't seen this movie yet, you really have to!

September 20th Meeting

     Attendance: David, Ben, Suzanne, Jaden, Jordan, Daniel, Alex, Mary, Jacob, Katie, and myself.
     How to be pro life everyday: show everyone your love of life,  Give a voice to the voiceless without saying a word.  Wear a pro life t-shirt, a pro life cause bracelet, or the Precious Feet pin.
     On being a virtuous leader: The virtue for September is Fortitude.  Fortitude is like courage.  A person is willing to put themselves out there to defend a good cause, such as life.  When you give a voice to the voiceless, you are exercising fortitude.
     Gospel meditation: We always talk about whose better but we have to remember what we do on earth doesn't matter as long as we please God.  We are supposed to accept and appreciate children, even our siblings. It's odd how the disciples knew they were doing something wrong but they wouldn't admit it when Jesus asked.  We don't have to do anything extra ordinary to be saints, even the lowly can obtain great holiness.  Whoever has the faith of a child will be in Heaven faster than someone who resists God and think they know better.  People think they're better than others because they're more mature or maybe smarter or wealthier, but Jesus said as long as you have a heart of a child you will have a good faith.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Friday, September 14, 2012

First Meeting :)

     We had our first meeting this past Thursday, 9/13, and the turn out was pretty good for the first time! Suzanne, Ben, David, Katie, Billy, Daniel, Jaden, Jordan, Mary, and myself were all there. If we could get more people, to come, that would be awesome!
     During each meeting, we would like to share some tips on how you can be pro life everyday.  Here's our tip for this week: Football Games. How does football games have to deal with being pro life? Two words: After Party. If you find yourself at one of those parties, which isn't bad, just make sure that you keep CHASTITY and CHASTE behavior in mind while there.  The first step to being pro life is being chaste.
     Also, ever week we have a Gospel Meditation. This week's scripture was Mark 8:27-35.  Here were our thoughts on it. Jesus wanted each person to figure out who He was themselves because it shows that they care.  God cares about us as a whole, but also individually.  People who come to Church on Sunday but don't show their faith on a daily basis won't go to Heaven once they die as soon as those who go to Sunday Church and also live out there faith every day.  If you want to go to Heaven then you have to give up your possessions and follow Him.  God doesn't want you to bring your x-box, T.V., nor iPhone to Heaven, only your sole. Jesus was humble when He came down to earth.  Most people expected Him to come down and conquer the world all at once but He came down as a baby.  St. Peter was rebuked by Jesus, so that gives us hope to one day possibly become a saint too even though we don't always do the right things. 
     If you are free this Thursday, 9/20, then you should definitely come to the Life Teen Center from 7-9 to check out the group.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Snack Schedual

Here's the snack schedual for this year!
Sept 13- Cicchella
Sept 20- McIlroy
Sept 27- Rakoczy
Oct 4- Steigerwald
Oct 11- Yokules
Oct 18- Martin
Oct 25- Baldwim
Nov 15- Urbancic
Nov 29- Lair
Dec 6- Brent
Jan 17- Cicchella
Jan 24- McIlroy
Jan 31- Rakoczy
Feb 7- Steigerwald
Feb 14- Yokules
Feb 21- Martin
Feb 28- Baldwim
March 14- Urbancic
March 21- Lair
April 4- Brent
April 11- Cicchella
April 18- McIlroy
April 25- Rakoczy
May 9- Steigerwald
May 16- Yokules
May 30- Martin
June 6- Baldwim

PLYC Websight

Here's a link to who we are and events we are involved in!