Friday, November 2, 2012

Scholoarship Money for DC Trip

Our benefactor is asking that you attend as many prolife events as possible between now and the DC trip. We will keep track of who is in attendance and those who attend will receive scholarship money to defray the cost of the DC trip. The more events you attend, the more money you earn towards the cost of the trip. I hope you're able to take advantage of this generous offer of support.

Upcoming Events:
40 Days for Life vigil at Family Planning of NE Ohio, in Painesville, (Nov. 3) from 4-5 PM. Rides are available as long as you let Mrs. Cicchella know by Thursday of each week so she can make sure we have a seat for everyone who needs one.
First Saturday: Mass and Confession at St. Andrew's Abbey/Benedictine, pray the Rosary at the abortion mills on Shaker. We carpool from St. Helen's upper parking lot and we leave at 8 AM sharp. If you need a ride, let Mrs. Cicchella know so she can make sure we have enough seats for everyone. (Nov. 3, Dec. 1, Jan 5)

1 comment:

  1. There are still some opportunities to earn scholarship $$$:

    December 6 Pastor Moss will join us to speak about witnessing about Planned Parenthood in the African-American community.

    December 13 is the GCTFL Baby Shower for Jesus from 7-9 in the Life Teen Center.

    Two separte Holy Innocents events will be held at the end of Decemeber - more details to follow.

    First Saturday in January - Mass and Confession at Benedictine and Rosary for Life at Abortion Access on Shaker Blvd.
