Wednesday, September 26, 2012

September 20th Meeting

     Attendance: David, Ben, Suzanne, Jaden, Jordan, Daniel, Alex, Mary, Jacob, Katie, and myself.
     How to be pro life everyday: show everyone your love of life,  Give a voice to the voiceless without saying a word.  Wear a pro life t-shirt, a pro life cause bracelet, or the Precious Feet pin.
     On being a virtuous leader: The virtue for September is Fortitude.  Fortitude is like courage.  A person is willing to put themselves out there to defend a good cause, such as life.  When you give a voice to the voiceless, you are exercising fortitude.
     Gospel meditation: We always talk about whose better but we have to remember what we do on earth doesn't matter as long as we please God.  We are supposed to accept and appreciate children, even our siblings. It's odd how the disciples knew they were doing something wrong but they wouldn't admit it when Jesus asked.  We don't have to do anything extra ordinary to be saints, even the lowly can obtain great holiness.  Whoever has the faith of a child will be in Heaven faster than someone who resists God and think they know better.  People think they're better than others because they're more mature or maybe smarter or wealthier, but Jesus said as long as you have a heart of a child you will have a good faith.

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