Attendance: Mary, Jacob, Trenton, Nikki, Katie, Dan, Jordan, Jaden, Dyna, Connor, Emma, Alex, Suzanne, David, Ben, Cahterine, Amanda, Rebecca, and myself.
How to be pro life everyday: Have a pro life t-shirt? Why not wear it outside the house? Pro life t-shirts aren't just pajamas! You can and should wear them when you're out and about!
On being a virtuous leader: The virtue for September is Fortitude. Fortitude is like courage. A person is willing to put themselves out there to defend a good cause, such as life. When you give a voice to the voiceless, you are exercising fortitude.
This week's Bible verse is Mark 9:38-48. Don't be passive when you sin, don't take it lightly. Avoid instances that may cause you to sin. Only when God overcomes satan will the fire of Hell be quenched. It's better to be sinless and go to Heaven. It's bad enough to sin but worse if you drag someone else down. If it leads you to do bad then get rid of it! Don't give a bad example to anyone! Sin is really bad. St. Thomas Asavio said death is better than sin. Trust the people around you (like family and friends) to build you up. Be a good influence to others, especially little kids. Don't just avoid sin but avoid what could cause the sin.
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