Attendance- Katie, Ben, Ben, Mary, Trenton, Dayna, Jaden, Jordan, Dan, Jacob, Brian, Ben U, Suzanne, David, and myself. Yes we have three Ben's.
Pro life Tip- Visit and elderly relative who is in a nursing home or who can't get out much.
- If you see a senior citizen carrying groceries or loading their car at the grocer store, offer to help them.
How to be a virtuous leader- The virtue for October is PRUDENCE. Prudence is all about making good decisions. A prudent person is not just someone who knows what is good, a prudent person DOES good. Prudence is the ability to look at our choices and make the right decision.
We received a lot of money in tips from the car wash on the 29th of September. Thank you everyone who participated in that! We're going to try to do another one soon! Remember that the money goes towards the March for Life in January.
This week's verse is Mark 10:2-16. A lot of times society thinks we can do whatever we want and look like god because we live in a free country and stray from religion and that is why there are so many divorces. What you do can do serious damage to a child and that's why it's good to stay devoted to your spouse. Love is better than lust. Have the faith of a child. God's way not your way. Your way is usually not God's way. You should have the same sort of relationship with God as a child does with their parents. Little kids live with simplicity and joy and that's why they're close to God. When we grow older, we attach to materialistic things and stray from God and therefore our life gets more complicated. The disciples are silly and maybe God chose them so we could see the truths that they couldn't and learn from them. Children don't think of the bad things in life, they're very optimistic and innocent. Adults go usually straight to the bad things. It's sad that the Pharisees weren't trying to find the truth to help lead the world but tried to get Jesus in trouble. We need resignation to Devine Will and assume God's Will is the right thing and that we're leading a good life. People these days (like the Pharisees) don't want to hear the truth.
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